Common Behavior Disorders in Children - Causes and Treatments

Do you know what are the behavior disorder in children? Behavior disorder in children is defined as a pattern of persistently disruptive behaviors that cause problems at home, school and in social situations. Children with behavioral disorder give parents a hard time by persistent impulsivity, hyperactivity defiance or even criminal activity.

 Common Behavior Disorders in Children - Causes and Treatments

What causes behavior disorders in a child?

1. Low birth weight and premature birth contribute to challenging behavior in children later in life.

2. Behavior disorders are more common in boys than in girls.
3. Children who exhibit anger or aggression at a young age are more likely to have behavioral issues later in life.
4. Dysfunctional families have been linked to behavioral disorders in children and adults.
5. Behavioral problems are often associated with trouble in reading and writing in Children.
6. Children with intellectual disabilities are twice as likely as other children to develop behavioral problems.
7. Brain scans show that children with ADHD have less activity in the brain center that regulates attention.

Common behavior disorders found in kids:

 1. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder):

 It affects boys more than girls at an early age. Symptoms include disorganization difficulty in focusing following instructions and processing information inability to sit still and impulsive behavior.
2. ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder):

 It normally starts before the age of 8 years or up to 12 years. Symptoms include short temper arguing annoying being resentful and blaming others for mistakes.
3. Conduct Disorder (CD):

 5% of 10 year old children have OCD. Symptoms include breaking the rules and delinquent behavior physical aggression and irritability.

Common Behavior Disorders in Children - Causes and Treatments

How can behavior disorders be treated?

1. Parental education

It entails teaching parents how to respond to their children and providing a broad perspective on the issue.

2. Family therapy:
The entire family is assisted in improving communication and problem solving skills.

3. Cognitive behavioral therapy:
It assists the child in gaining a new perspective on their situation in order to control their thoughts and behavior.

4. Social training:
The child is taught the necessary social skills to get along with others.

5. Anger management:
This treatment focuses on recognizing signs of anger or growing frustration and developing appropriate coping skills.

6. Treatment of associated problems:
A child who has a learning disability as well as a behavioral disorder will benefit from
the learning intervention.

Common Behavior Disorders in Children - Causes and Treatments

7. Medication:
In extreme cases medical intervention is required to control impulsive behavior. If your child exhibits challenging behavior consult their paediatrician before taking any strict decisions.

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